Frost Family Pet Clinic

Effective immediately 3/20/20

We are keeping a close watch on COVID-19 and its impact on our policies and procedures. All of our team here at FFPC are currently healthy and we aim to stay that way so we can continue to provide care for our patients. As a precautionary measure, we are updating our policies outlined below. We are very appreciative of all your patience and understanding as we all work to navigate this ever-changing situation.

-We are limiting public access and only allowing staff members in the building, therefore we are implementing curbside pick up/concierge service.

-When you arrive for your appointment please stay in your vehicle then call or text the clinic at 815-282-2800. A technician will get a history from you over the phone. Then, a staff member will come out to your vehicle and retrieve your pet from you to escort them into the building for their examination with the Doctor. We will then contact you after the appointment with pertinent findings and have you pay for your visit over the phone.
-Special arrangements can be made for euthanasia appointments.

-For non-emergency calls please text or email the clinic to allow phone lines to remain open.

-If you need to pick up medications, preventatives, or food please call/text/email ahead of time to let us know what you need. We will plan to take care of payment over the phone.
When you have arrived to pick up your supplies please call or text the clinic to let us know you are here and we can bring the items to you.

-We only have 2 phone lines, so if you do not get through to us right away please try again in a few minutes. We will help you as soon as possible.

-If you are feeling sick or have been around anyone ill please call to reschedule/cancel your appointment or make arrangements for a healthy friend or family member to bring your pet to the clinic for you.

Thank you,

The Staff at Frost Family Pet Clinic

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